

I have always been a bit of a bookworm, but ever since I purchased my Kobo Touch in December I have been reading like it's going out of style. And thank Goddess it never will.

I was hesitant at first to buy an e-reader because I just love books. I enjoy the covers and the smell of the unread pages, the feeling of opening up a new book for the first time and then placing it on the book shelf when I reached the end.

One of my favourite "me" time activities is going to Chapters and exploring the whole store for my next great read. With having an e-reader I was afraid to lose that. Although, now I can go search the store for books to download later! Nothing will keep me from "me" time in that store.

Since becoming a Mommy I was beginning to find it hard to not only make time to read, but to focus. I was always losing my place on the page not to mention in the story. Too much time would pass between sit downs and my interest in stories began to deflate.

When I decided to buy myself the Kobo, I didn't predict the impact it would have on my reading life. The Kobo is so easy to pick up and put down which is perfect for reading time with a toddler running around. Plus, I don't even have to hold it to read! I can have AJ on my lap as she watches Dora. Because of this I have all of a sudden been reading a book a week! Mind you, I read a lot of Young Adult Fiction which are pretty easy reads, and more importantly I have been picking awesome books! All thanks to my Twitter friend Indigo Teen Blog who always recommends the most amazing YA books.

So because of this, I decided to start writing my own book reviews. Not to be a critic, or a professional book reviewer, but just to share what I am reading. I have been introduce to some pretty great stories lately that all contain the most fantastic characters. I want you all to meet them.

There are a bunch of books I have already read that I would love to write about, and will get started ASAP! But for now, I have to bath my spaghetti sauced child.

While you wait go buy yourself a Kobo!

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