
Frying Pans, Boo Boos and Oven Mitts

Cooking is boring.

And to say this, confuses me because I love to watch the Food Network, which as you all know is people cooking. Although, I would imagine choosing something really fun to make would spice things up a bit for me in the kitchen.

Pun intended.

Until now I never had the chance to feel bored while I was preparing a meal. Typically, I am cooking as D is driving home from work, and AJ is glued to my legs, or she is taking out every pot and pan to try and "help Mommy". I trip over her, try to protect her from oven fires and smoke or I am begging her to go colour for five more minutes.

Tonight she was playing upstairs with Bella.

I had steaks in the frying pan (I know, I know but it was snowing!), veggies in the steamer and cheese toast in the oven. I stood there all alone in the kitchen, leaning against the counter wondering what was missing.

I actually missed my little sous chef.

Just before D got home and dinner was screaming "I'm done!", AJ came downstairs and wanted to help. She pulled out the oven mitts and waited for instruction. I took a few photos and then asked her to stand away from the stove before I opened it. She took it one step farther and went into her corner cupboard.

Bang!! Waaahhhhh!

She fell from the top shelf of her cupboard and knocked her little mouth on something. Poor baby was bleeding from her lip and had tears!

As I tended to her, dinner was overcooking.

The steak ended up tough and chewy, and the veggies were as if they came from the local senior's centre. At least the cheese toast was cheesy!

So in conclusion, maybe cooking isn't boring. It's just dangerous.

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