
Fuzzy Casserole Anyone?

I have been seeing ads on TV for these new fridges that have the hidden inside door for your fruits and veggies, and I think it's really neat. At first, I was like "Hey! Let's get one!" Then I pointed out to myself that I have a hard enough time noticing past date food in the fridge, as is.

There was a point a few weeks ago when we had three containers of sour cream in the fridge. All full and unopened. Then on Sunday, D pulled out two clamshells of moldy strawberries. And onetime, we had three bags of frozen corn in the freezer. One full and two half empty. Or half full, however you look at it.

D is not a big fan of leftovers, which seems weird but when you know all the rest of his little food quirks it actually seems normal, and because of this I often discover neat little fridge treasures. Let's just say that when I do find them ...... the food plus it's storage container end up in the garbage.

Sorry, Mother Earth.

I have since began storing leftovers in glass bowls to force me to notice better, and to encourage me to clean out the container. And I don't cook as much food. Or I make D eat it all at dinner. Anything to not have leftovers in my fridge!

Oh well, at least when AJ gets to a point when she needs to do a science project for school, we will have many specimens for her to chose from.

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