
What Has Two White Legs and Blinds People?

Me. I have the whitest legs in the world. I can't deny it, as I can't hide it and believe me I have tried.

I was lucky enough (not really) to inherit lily white english skin from my Dad's side of the family. Because of this, I can have some trouble with good old Mr. Sun. In the big picture of things, it is not so bad, as I tend to shy away from tanning and basking in the Sun's rays and I like to think my skin is happier due to that. But when you temporarily blind people with the whiteness of your legs, you often wish they would just tan already!

I could sit out in the direct sun with tanning oil on my legs and they would only get a heat rash and burn. Actually, I can't recall my legs ever changing color when the rest of me had burnt to a crisp on occasion.

Oh wait, I do remember one time that I managed to achieve tanned legs. Mom and I got spray tans before a trip to Vegas about eight ish years ago. Wow .... were we ever tanned!

After leaving the tanning salon in Beaumont we stopped by Auntie Tracey's house to show off our bronzed skinned. The kids were scared of us. Seriously, ask them. We looked like Natives form the Australian Outback, and both of us having bright green eyes did not help. I think we even scared ourselves!

We showered to get the excess colour off and felt pretty good about the tans we achieved. We were ready for vacation! Off we went to Las Vegas with beautiful sprayed on tans.

We weren't the only ones who ended up brown though.  Our clothes joined us. The tan was rubbing off onto our clothes and adding little accents of brown. Not only that, but you have no idea how freaky it is to shower and see coloured water running down the drain. And that was days after being sprayed. Worst idea we had in a long time.

I have tried different tanning creams, but for some reason they just don't work well or I end up with the dreaded streaks. I gave up and waved the white flag to not having tanned legs.

Yes, pun intended.

A couple weeks ago, D came across a website that sends you free samples of products. FREE! Being the thrifty guy that he is, he signed up and a week later an awesome package full of FREE samples appeared in our mailbox. We got a toothbrush, toothpaste, a granola bar, little tabs of dishwasher soap, a razor, sample sized shampoo and conditioner and Jergen's Natural Glow lotion.

Now that I had to try.

I am on my second day of using it and I actually see a difference! It is not meant to darken your skin right away, but has a more gradual effect, which works for me. I just wish it smelled better.

But it appears that this girl shall have tanned legs for the first time in years! I can already tell that this will be the best summer ever!


  1. Thanks for the tip! I, too am of the fair skinned variety and the only color I've gotten so far this Spring has been of the Rock Lobster variety. I will try the Jergens. I always like to remind myself, though, when I'm lamenting my New York "tan", that before the late 20th century, fair skin was the sign of Aristocracy and/or upper class ranks. So there's that...which is nice.

    1. I LOVE the way you think! So far, this Jergen's has been working well. Like I said though in my post, the smell isn't the best so I just put on another lotion after the Jergen's has set in. It's not a terrible smell but does have that tanning cream scent. Let me know what you think!
