
Once an Un-domestic Goddess, Always an Un-domestic Goddess

In reference to my last post, no I have not lost my un-domestic-ness. I had a complete un-domestic Goddess moment today.

I was making my famous fried chicken for dinner, which was going to be accompanied by green beans, carrots and rice. I bought myself a really great steamer/rice cooker when AJ was starting on solids, and with it I was able to make her homemade baby food, as well as easily cook rice. I have used it many times for rice and it actually comes out nicely.

Until tonight.

I began by measuring out 2.5 cups of long grain white rice and then added 5 cups of water. I usually don't add that much water as I prefer a sticker rice, but alas, I was zombied out and not paying attention. I ended up with mushy wet rice. Not cool in my books.

(I also opened the lid a number of times to check it and have since read that doing such a thing can most definitely aid in making your rice mushy.)

So, what was my first thought? I'll just add more rice to soak up some of the water! I only had a bag of brown rice left, so I not so gracefully poured some of that in. What was I thinking??? Would this actually work? Probably not.

I started up the old Google machine and did a little research. It was nice to see others with the same issue as me, although not one solution mentioned adding more rice. Yikes. I took a little scoop from the cooker and yeah ... Ramsey would have my ass for this.

I put the rice in file 13 and decided to start over with just the brown rice. I was feeling lucky that D was running late and I had time to give this another shot.

How did it turn out you ask? Not sure. I will let you know tomorrow, as we were done eating by the time it was cooked.

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