
Thanks For The Massage, Swiffer

I had a weird thing happen today.

Bella had a tummy ache this morning and decided to take the day off from school. She slept for a while then had some chicken noodle soup, and relaxed. By about 2PM she got some energy, as most of us do when we are feeling better, and she started cleaning.

Mom is coming to visit this weekend, so Bella took it upon herself to clean the basement and get the spare room prepared. As she was working away I was up in the kitchen doing my own thing, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning the pantry, and playing with AJ.

A little later on she came upstairs, took even more initiative and started to clean the front entrance and living room floor. She swept then brought out the Swiffer Wet Jet.

This is where it gets weird for me.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV and she was swiffering along the laminate floor at my feet.  I all of a sudden began to feel a tingle. Almost like I was getting a massage, or someone was playing with my hair.

I was in a relaxed sort of hypnotic state.

Was it because someone else was cleaning my floor? Or was it the back and forth motion that calms most crazy people?

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