
The Laundry Incident

I dread doing laundry. Dislike going all the way downstairs to the dark, jail like laundry room. I do not enjoy folding and putting it all away. Very much dislike ironing and you can ask my Mom about that. So thank goddess I have a laundry loving man! D enjoys it, mostly because he is so anal about how it's done. But that's ok! Gets me off the hook.

Last night D did a basket full of Audrey Jane's clothes, most of which was being washed in preparation for consignment. When the items were separated and folded AJ was already in bed asleep, so I was unable to put them away. As of 3PM today they were still sitting here in the basket by the couch. Then as of 3:15 they were all over the floor.

A new toy? For me??

I need to get to the bottom of this mess.

Shoulda put the laundry away Mom!

Really? I had this much?

I remember when I used to wear this! 

If I stick out my tongue maybe I can get inside this thing.

Oh well, most of it's too small for me anyways!


  1. In our house ironing is considered a swear word.
    A friend once said that you could either have a tidy house or children but that you couldn't do both. I think he may be right.

  2. I like that saying haha. Instead of ironing I will just throw the clothes back in the dryer to get the wrinkles out.
