
Proof That Cartoons Do Effect How We Think

I am officially creeped out by a plant. I think there is a possibility that the plant Gods have decided to take their revenge on a plant killer known as, Me.

AJ received a magic bean plant for her birthday from my brother and his family. It is actually the coolest little thing, or so I thought until today. This magic bean plant comes in a pop can type container and is easy to take care of.

For most people at least.

This is a photo of the plant from a couple weeks ago:

Awesome, right?

Now, this is the plant as it is today:

Even awesome-r, no?

It is absolutely wonderful to see AJ's magic plant grow so nicely.

Here is where the creepiness comes in:

The little grains you see in the photo are what the magic bean plant grows in. I have no clue what it is, but it seems to act like the plant's soil. I started my morning cleaning up those little grainy things as they were all over and in my sink. It appears that the can was spilled, although it was sitting as I left it last night. What could have happened??? That is my question. 

I don't believe that D has a death wish, so if he had knocked the plant over, I am sure it would have been followed by him cleaning it up. I usually keep the plant on our kitchen window sill, so it is too high for AJ to reach, and Bella is in Edmonton. 

So, who made the mess?? I had visions of a little gnome character digging his way into the can and I freaked out. This is why you see the plant outside in the current photo taken above. 

Have the plant Gods sent some sort of magical bean creature to take revenge? Has my very own brother set me up? Or have I contracted Tinkerbell Syndrome? AJ and I did recently watch Gnomeo & Juliet like 4 times and she does have a love of all things fairies, such as Tinkerbell. 

Tinkerbell is welcome, plant God assassins are not. If you don't hear from me for a while, make sure to water the new freckled flower in the garden. 

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