
You Know You Are Meant to Go Home When ...

I am simply adoring my new job at the Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta as - Communication and Social Media Coordinator. They respect and encourage a balanced work/life and that is very appreciated.

Especially today.

I currently work part-time. Well, sort of in between full and part. I do a minimum of 20 hours a week, but if there is lots of work, I do the hours it takes to get it done. Very flexible. This week I have done my allotted hours plus will have a few extra due to a staff retreat tomorrow. I technically did not have to head into work today, but figured I would make sure I was prepared for the weekend. I made the choice to battle the Deer Foot and go into the office.

I take AJ to school each day and recently she has given me a hard time when I drop her off. It breaks my heart to see her cry. Because of this, D has agreed to try to take her more often when he isn't in a rush to get to work himself. Today was one of those days.

We were leaving at the same time, said our goodbyes and went in separate directions. When I was about 15 minutes into my 20 - 30 minute commute, D calls and asks where AJ's blankie is. If you know AJ - she needs her blankie. I said "Well it must be at home." D responds with "Are you sure?" I look beside me and there is it. I brought her blankie into my car out of pure habit. Crap.

She was apparently freaking out so I said I would see what I could do. I began to think of my options. 1) I could turn around, take her the blankie and be at work by 10AM. 2) I could go into work for a few hours then take her blankie after lunch in time for nap time. or 3) I could take her the blankie and go home - seeing as I had done my weekly hours. Plus, I had my work lap top and could do a few things from the kitchen table.

What to do, what to do.

Well I was apparently so conflicted that I blew right passed my exit and was well on my way to Fort McLeod! Ugh. If that isn't another sign to turn around and go home - I am not sure what is.

So, here I sit with a Tim Horton's coffee at my kitchen table working away. Message read loud and clear.

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