
Dirty, Contaminated Lemons No More!

Today I am taking time to introduce you to a couple of amazing people. The men behind LÉMONESSE.

Corey and Adam Leja are brothers who developed a product to replace dirty, messy, seed filled lemons for your water. Not just to use at home though, but to carry with you, which is awesome! And the best part of their product is that it's all natural. It might as well be a clean, fresh lemon wedge in a little packet.

One reason I love this idea is because of the Orange Peel incident at a chinese restaurant years ago. I believe I was there having dinner with my Mom, her employer Danny, and his daughter Jorden. I was goofing around with Jorden, and we took the oranges that were there on our plates for garnish and put them over our teeth and smiled. We thought we were so funny!  Then my Mom pointed out that the orange peel in my mouth still had a sticker on it. I imagine if the orange had actually been washed, there would not have been a trace of a sticker.


Ever since then, I have been leery to order any kind of beverage with a piece of fruit in it like a lemon or a lime. The Orange Peel incident was traumatic enough, so I anticipate this fabulous product.

Corey and Adam's brilliant idea is not the only reason I want to bring attention to them. If you know me at all you know that I am a social media advocate. These guys have some of the best social media skills I have ever seen!

They founded Lemonesse in 2010 and are getting closer everyday to the actual launch of their product. But in the meantime they have been managing a kick ass social media campaign, which in return has created a huge buzz for Lemonesse. Not only that, but they are on top of all the new media tools that can be used to promote their company. They hold contests on a regular basis, engage their followers constantly, and yet are not saturating the web. They make their presence known without being annoying. I am certainly not tired of hearing about Lemonesse.

The real push I got to write about Corey and Adam was something they brought to my attention yesterday. They came across a video made by a young man who is, right at this moment, desperately seeking help with his weight. Corey and Adam didn't just ignore his plea, or simply "share" the video, but they responded. They created a "call to action" and reached out to their followers and contacts they knew could help. It is so easy these days to share a video and say we need to come together and help a cause, but to actually follow through? It takes real special people to do that.

Corey and Adam have inspired me to take my social media for non-profits business Just B Socialized to a whole new level. And I swear to Goddess that I have been drinking more lemon water because they have proven to me how good it is for your body and soul. I simply cannot wait to purchase their product! I hope my friends and family are prepare to get Lemonesse as gifts from now on too. Haha.

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