

We all know at least one person on social media who has a habit of 'vaguebooking' or we have maybe even done it ourselves.

If you aren't sure what vaguebooking is - please refer to the image below:

You are probably saying "Oh yeah! So and so does that all the time!" You need to tell them to stop or you need to pay more attention.  

Something happened today over my facebook news feed that caused quite a stir, but not without a few "Have you been drinking lol" or "Your facebook was hacked" remarks by other people. Guess what? It was a serious cry for help, which if had gone just 10 minutes more not being believed, would have ended tragically. Luckily enough people were smart and took action. 

In honour of Bell Let's Talk Day which takes place tomorrow, I want to urge all of you to come out and say exactly what it is you have to say. If you are depressed, lonely and need attention - come right out and say it. Don't beat around the bush because that one time where you really do need help, no one will listen, or if they do, it may be too late. 

On the flip side, it's time to pay more attention and ask the hard questions. Don't be afraid to ask someone if they are okay. Don't be afraid to tell them that you notice their pain and are there for support. Sometimes that is all they really need.

Yeah vaquebooking is annoying. We all know that. But we need to work together and help those who do it, feel like they don't have to. Let's start Truthbooking. Bravebooking. Honestbooking. Even Supportbooking. Let's just start talking.

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